Ashley Falletta is a Certified StoryBrand Guide and marketing strategist based in New York. She helps thought leaders, authors and speakers position themselves as an expert in their industry with impactful marketing and PR strategies tailored to their messaging.
Ashley holds a Master’s degree in Education and studied marketing at the World Coach Institute. She also holds a certification in the StoryBrand framework by Donald Miller. Ashley has appeared on Donald Miller’s Marketing Made Simple podcast and as a featured speaker for the Business Systems Summit, Life Mastery Foundation, Entrepreneurette Summit, and BossSquad Mentoring Program.
Her past clients include: Kubi Springer (Author: “I Am My Brand”, Brand Expert), Dr. Shannon Irvine (Epic Success Podcast/NeuroCoaching™), Peggy Sullivan (Women Leadership Keynote Speaker, Mindset Expert & Author of “Happiness is Your Responsibility” and “Beyond Busyness” and many more, including children’s book authors. many more, including children’s book authors.